PUBG Mobile Erangel 2.0 Maps Leaked !! Interesting Changes

PUBG Mobile Erangel 2.0 Map Leaked!! Changes to expect

PUBG Mobile Erangel 2.0 was leaked in the beta version of Chinese Edition of PUBG Mobile. There are some interesting changes in the new edition of the map.The beta version is known as Game of Peace.Let's check out the updates and changes we came across

Vehicle Control Customization:
This feature enables the player to customize the controls of vehicles while driving.The layout of movement and shooting can be adjusted anywhere in the screen . PUBG as of now has three different layouts.

Route Planner:
With help of this you can plan a path in advance.As per the report,players will have to mark multiple locations which will be used as waypoints , this will create a planned route and would eliminate the requirement to open maps multiple times to mark a spot.

Replenished Graphics:
In the Erangel 2.0 map will host improved graphics which means the level of detail has been increased.The interiors of buildings are said to be more detailed and colors have been tweaked slightly.

According to streamer Mr.Ghost claims Erangel 2.0 will have secret hidden room similar to PUBG PC.It will also have a secret base."All the places which is changed in Erangel 2.0 is marked here in the map.Just like PC Erangel 2.0 secret basement.The place in that TV looks like Karakin Map," he further said in the video. Here is the link to his video Pubg Mobile Erangel 2.0 is Here| Mr.Ghost 

According To BGR India report,PUBG Mobile May bring classes and abilities,just like Call of Duty which hosts abilities like ninja,medic,zombie etc. However it may be a separate mode not in Classic.

But PUBG gamers need to wait for some more time as this has been leaked in the beta version of the Game.But it is coming soon since it has already made inroads in Chinese version of the game.

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